Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size: Moving Away from Harmful Diet Culture Toward Self-Compassion
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The diet industry in the United State is worth nearly $65 billion dollars and its success can be attributed to a 95% long-term failure rate. Weight management programs feed on insecurities that are perpetuated by societal norms of beauty and health. Diet culture promotes the incorrect assumption that a person’s weight is a predictor of health and something to be fixed if not within a range deemed “normal.” What if instead of promoting weight loss and deprivation the focus is on self-compassion, satisfaction, and permission? In this webinar, Gina Forster, Assistant Director of Nutrition at The Ohio State University, will address the harmful effects of diet culture and outline a more inclusive, satisfying, and realistic way to live. Gina will discuss the misconceptions about weight and introduce four of the ten principles of Intuitive Eating. She will also share a favorite short meditation that can help people find peace regardless of their weight or size.
About the speaker:
Gina graduated from Miami University with a degree in Dietetics, followed by an internship at Mt. Carmel College of Nursing. Soon after becoming a Registered Dietitian and starting work at her first RD job, Gina decided to return to school for a master’s degree in Human Nutrition Science from The Ohio State University. After receiving her master’s degree, she worked for a brief period for a private workplace wellness company, followed by three years working as the Dietitian and Wellness Coach at the Kingsdale Giant Eagle Market District. For the past 9 years Gina has worked as the Assistant Director of Nutrition for OSU’s Dining Services. Gina is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and an avid proponent of Health at Every Size. Gina works with people of all ages to develop a healthier relationship with food and their body. Gina’s favorite foods are Tommy’s pizza and any cake with real buttercream.