P.O.P. Off: Power, Oppression and Privilege

When we’re aware of our own identities, what comes next? P.O.P. Off examines how systems of power, privilege and oppression shape our understanding of the world around us. This interactive workshop helps distinguish between prejudice, discrimination, and racism by providing historical context and creating next steps to help create a more equitable society.

This workshop will be facilitated by Nick Gilbert, Social Justice Educator for the Ohio State University Student Life Multicultural Center. Please direct all inquiries to Leo Taylor (taylor.3408@osu.edu).

This event will be presented with automated closed captions. If you wish to request traditional CART services or other accommodations, please contact Laura Akgerman at akgerman.4@osu.edu or 614-292-0622. Requests submitted two weeks in advance will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet every request.

Please direct all other inquiries to Dr. Leo Taylor(.3408).