CFAES Give Today
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Reach Out: An Education & Advocacy Session for Suicide Prevention© - Columbus campus (Cancelled)

For many people fall in Ohio is a challenging time of year – the end of daylight savings time, shorter days, days on end with little to no sunshine, and stress about upcoming holidays, not to mention end-of-semester pressures. This puts some individuals – students and colleagues – at high risk for self-harm and suicidal thoughts, especially members of marginalized social identity groups (e.g., Black, Indigenous, LGBTQ). CFAES seeks to be proactive about the mental wellbeing of our community and is hosting two suicide prevention sessions for CFAES faculty and staff.

In this 75-minute virtual program participants will learn about suicide such as risk factors, warning signs, and protective factors, as well as how to break down the stigma of help-seeking. This session is not a skills-based training and as such, does not offer a certification.