Understanding AD(H)D Webinar
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During this 60-minute webinar, Tyler McGuire from the Ohio State University Employee Assistance Program will provide an overview of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, aka AD(H)D.
After attending this session participants will be able to:
- Describe what AD(H)D is, why it exists, and why the "H" isn't always present or obvious.
- Recognize the diversity of experiences and identities AD(H)D within the community.
- Value the unique gifts, abilities, and skills people with AD(H)D possess because of their experiences living in a society primarily designed for neurotypical brains.
- Better understand and engage with people who have AD(H)D in a variety of contexts.
- Function as an ally to people with AD(H)D by countering misinformation with facts and responding to microaggressions as an active bystander.
- Better support students, colleagues, friends, and family who have AD(H)D.
About the speaker:
Tyler McGuire has been a counselor for 14 years and self identifies as someone who lives with traits of ADHD. He has been working for the Employee Assistance Program for a year and a half. In addition to OSU, Tyler has worked as a therapist at Equitas Health, as well as in private practice. What he enjoys most about being a therapist is helping clients learn about themselves and accept what they find. In his spare time, Tylerenjoys music, food, sports, travel, being outdoors, and spending time with loved ones. He also enjoys using the Enneagram in both his personal and professional life.