Wikipedia Editing for Knowledge Equity

In this fourth installment of the CFAES 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Speaker Series Dr. Alexandria Lockett, Assistant Professor of English at Spelman College, will discuss how Wikipedia represents historical and contemporary politics of knowledge production. She will address how Wikipedia editing among culturally diverse editors has the potential to both cultivate the development of transferable skills and fill major knowledge gaps, in terms of race and gender, across disciplinary, geographic, and institutional contexts.

Click here for a list of all dates and speakers

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Alex LockettAlexandria L. Lockett is an Assistant Professor of English at Spelman College where she teaches business, professional, and technical writing courses that center public writing such as Wikipedia editing and copywriting for real clients. In addition, Dr. Lockett publishes about the technocultural politics of knowledge production. She is the lead author of Race, Rhetoric, and Research Methods (WAC Clearinghouse, April 2021) and co-editor of Learning From the Lived Experiences of Graduate Student Writers (Utah State University Press, May 2020, Winner of the 2021 International Writing Center Association Outstanding Book Award). Her research also appears in articles featured in Composition Studies, Enculturation, and Praxis, as well as chapters in Wikipedia @ 20: An Incomplete Revolution (MIT Press), Humans at Work in the Digital Age (Routledge), Out in the Center (Utah State University Press), and Black Perspectives on Writing Program Administration: From the Margins to the Center (SWR Press).