The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ran the first issue of its new monthly newsletter on January 13, 2021. The first issue featured the upcoming CFAES National Day of Racial Healing, our revised mission, vision, and values, the DEI Action Council, introductions to the office's staff, and upcoming professional development opportunities. Future issues of the newsletter will be sent out on the second Wednesday of each month and will feature upcoming events, information on professional development opportunities, and resources to help support the CFAES community in their efforts to cultivate a welcoming and equitable environment for people from all walks of life. To read the January 2021 issue, please visit our newsletter page.
The office would also like your help to name the newsletter. At the moment, the newsletter is simply called “The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Newsletter,” but we want you to help us select a creative name! Please share your suggestions with us and we will announce the options in the February issue, have a vote, and release the name in the March issue. Send your suggestions to
Sign up here to get the newsletter delivered straight to your inbox. If you would like to contribute relevant news items, events, professional development opportunities, or community updates and accomplishments, please send them to