CFAES Give Today
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Safety and Wellness

The safety and wellness of our students is a top concern. Providing safe, inclusive environments while encouraging students to learn and grow can be accomplished when students have strong support networks and resources to assist when safety and wellness needs arise.


The Department of Public Safety is comprised of several divisions including: police, emergency management, central campus security services, and communication services. DPS provides several safety resources and programs for students including: 

Lyft Ride Smart

Buckeye Alerts

Safety Programs

Please visit the safety resources page for more information.


OSU approaches wellness from ten dimensions:

10 Dimensions of Wellness wheel 

Career Financial
Creative Intellectual
Digital Physical
Emotional Social
Environmental Spiritual

Students are encourgaged to explore available campus resources for each area of wellness including coaching, events, and various support services. Please visit the wellness resource page for links to commonly used resources.